CISO's perspective from the frontlines


We Want a Solution to Remediate, Not Just Detect Problems


Discovery of security issues is important, but ultimately we need to remediate them. So why do so many solutions seem to stop short?

In this episode of Defense in Depth, I joined as a guest co-host to David Spark (@dspark), the producer of CISO Series, and our guest, Neil Watkins, SVP technology and cybersecurity services, i3 Verticals.

Which security game are you playing?


A few years ago I watched Simon Sinek excellent talk “Most Leaders Don’t Even know the game they are in” and it changed completely how I am thinking about practicing cybersecurity. In his talk, Sinek presented the concept of finite vs. infinite games, and how this concept applies to leadership. Finite game vs. infinite game A finite game as a game with known players, fixed...

CISO's perspective from the frontlines


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