CISO's perspective from the frontlines

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Cyber security leadership podcast: Setting goals


Setting goals, whether personal or professional, is something that many people struggle with. How do your strengths impact your goals, and why are goals important for a security leader? In this episode of the Cyber Security Leadership podcast, Jeff Snyder and I discuss how security leaders should be setting goals.

Cyber Security Leadership Podcast: What does it feel like when you do something you absolutely love?


In this episode of the Cyber Security Leadership Podcast, Jeff Snyder is sharing his life changing events that led him to embark on a mission to help others discover their true purpose! What does it feel like when you do something you absolutely love? What if that was your life’s mission? And in the constant rat race we all live in, why should you stop and reflect about what you should do instead...

Cyber security leadership podcast: “Know thyself” – Why self awareness is so important


Do you really know exactly who you are?  What are you passionate about? What do you truly value? Are you doing what you can, or are you doing what you should? And what does it have to do with Security Leadership? In this episode of the Cyber Security Leadership podcast, Jeff Snyder and I discuss why self awareness is critical for cyber security leaders and practitioners.

Cyber security leadership podcast: What is Empathy and why does it matter for a leader?


With everything going on this year there is a lot of fear and anxiety, and if there is one thing we learned in 2020 is that we all need more empathy.What is Empathy? How do we practice empathy with our team, family, community? Do we do it all the time or only during times of crisis? In this episode of the Cyber Security Leadership podcast, Jeff Snyder and I discuss empathy and why does it matter...

Cyber security leadership podcast: What is motivation? Can you really motivate someone?


In this episode of the Cyber Security Leadership podcast, Jeff Snyder and I talk about the way we motivate people is predominantly using fear! People are doing or not doing something because they are afraid of the consequences. What if, as leaders, we motivate people using courage and positivity instead of fear? How do you positively motivate someone? How, as a leader, do you move from motivating...

Cyber Security Leadership podcast: Businesses need CISOs to be trusted advisors


This week Jeff Snyder and I discuss the importance of relationships building and why CISOs should aspire to become trusted advisor to the business. To be a successful security leader, you need to be curious about others, you need to care about what they care about, and you need to understand and care about what matters to them!

The key to success in a CISO role is Relationship Building. 

Cyber Security leadership podcast: Do you settle on what you can do or strive to what you should do?


In this Cyber Security Leadership Podcast episode Jeff Snyder and I are introducing the method of how to find what you should do and not just what you can do! When people operate out of their strengths or talents they are energized, successful, fulfilled and happy. However when they are not using their top talents, over time they become stressed, drained, frustrated and eventually burnout. Stress...

CISO's perspective from the frontlines


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