CISO's perspective from the frontlines


Yaron is a seasoned multi-industry Cyber Security Leader. He is 2x CISO, Research Fellow for the Cloud Security Alliance, Security Tinkerer, Advisory Board Member for several cyber security startups and venture firms, and a Mentor to other CISOs and members of the security community.

Cyber Security Leadership podcast: Businesses need CISOs to be trusted advisors


This week Jeff Snyder and I discuss the importance of relationships building and why CISOs should aspire to become trusted advisor to the business. To be a successful security leader, you need to be curious about others, you need to care about what they care about, and you need to understand and care about what matters to them!

The key to success in a CISO role is Relationship Building. 

Cyber Security leadership podcast: Do you settle on what you can do or strive to what you should do?


In this Cyber Security Leadership Podcast episode Jeff Snyder and I are introducing the method of how to find what you should do and not just what you can do! When people operate out of their strengths or talents they are energized, successful, fulfilled and happy. However when they are not using their top talents, over time they become stressed, drained, frustrated and eventually burnout. Stress...

CISO's perspective from the frontlines


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